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Trofeo Vanoni – WMRA associate member race.



Victory for the Forestale Team with new record of the race by Marco De Gasperi

The C.S. Forestale Team (Agostini, Manzi, De Gasperi), with a final time of 1h30’56”, won the 49° Trofeo Vanoni, international relay race, held in Morbegno (SO) – Italy, on 22nd October 2006
Second place for the Great Britain Team (Jones, Holmes, Peace) in 1h31’29” and third place for Atletica Valle Camonica Team (Agostini, Rinaldi, Rinaldi) in 1h31’54”, fourth place for Atletica Valli Bergamasche (Bonetti, Zanaboni, Lanfranchi) and fifth place for the France Team (Icart, Roux, Rancon).
Congratulations to Marco De Gasperi who set a new record time of 28’45” for the course. Second was Julien Rancon (France) with 29’48” and third Andi Jones (Great Britain) with 30’06”.
There was a large participation involving 128 teams, 44 women and 216 runners at the junior race.
The 23rd Vanoni femminile was won by Mariagrazia Roberti (C.S. Forestale) in 22’54”, second Mary Wilkinson (Great Britain) in 23’08” and third Cristina Scolari (Atletica Vallecamonica) in 23’12”.
Full results and photographs can be seen on the event web page via the link on the wmra page.