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Considerable interest and concern from friends within the mountain running community has been expressed following an accident in Nigeria in which Danny Hughes (President WMRA), Melissa Moon (Ex World Champion) Anna Pichrtova (European Champion) and Izabela Zatorska (Multiple medallist in European and World Trophy) were all involved.
With many enquiries arriving to me by e-mail I have decided that a statement, today, 6th December, should be published, on our web page, in response.
The above persons were being driven to the remote venue of the Obudu Ranch Mountain Race, Cross River State, Nigeria on Thursday 23rd November, when our driver of the Mercedes Benz four-wheel drive vehicle lost control at speed on a bend and turned the vehicle over.
Danny Hughes in the front passenger seat escaped with minor cuts and bruises. Melissa Moon sustained bruises but was still able to run in the mountain race on 25th November. Both Anna and Izabela were less fortunate and sustained serious but not life threatening injuries – these being fractured and broken bones and ribs. Medical confidentiality forbids a more specific statement.
They were both flown back to hospital in Calabar on 24th and there Anna had an operation on her arm. They spent two nights in hospital before travelling home on overnight flights from Lagos on 26th November to arrive on 27th.
On arriving home, both were hospitalised and assessment of their injuries showed that they were more serious than was revealed to us when in Nigeria. Anna underwent further complicated surgery and Izabela was transferred to a hospital specialising in chest injuries. They were both still in hospital on 4th December.
The prognosis for their complete recovery to enable them to resume their athletic careers is uncertain.
Since no follow up had been initiated by the Organisers by Saturday 2nd December, I wrote to the Governor of Cross River State and the Local Organisers chairman on 3rd December informing them of the latest situation and requesting details of insurance arrangements and possible compensation for Anna and Izabela.
As of today, 6th December, a reply is still awaited.

Danny Hughes