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WMRA Grand Prix, 4th race: Geoffrey Ndung


Ebensee, Austria – weather conditions were not as bad as at European Trophy 12 years ago and not as good as last year – light clouds and some raindrops were just reminding the runners that mountain running is sport that is held in pure nature.
About 250 runners from 13 countries joined the well known race and were really impressed by the brilliant organization.

The races started in Ebensee. After one and a half km running in the city the course turns to the mountain. Steep trails take the runners thought the forest and later along the meadows (ski slopes) to the top of the mountain. Reaching the summit women finish the race but men make additional 1km loop to make the race more interesting for the spectators.”
Some famous names gathered on the finish line – in the women’s division current European Champion Andrea Mayr from Austria and strong Slovenian runners Mateja Kosovelj and Lucija Krkoc – both already World and European Championships medal winners. In the men’s category strong Kenyan team announced an interesting race: Geoffrey Ndung’u wan the Grossglocknerlauf a month ago and improved the course record and Isac Kosgei wan the Muttersbergluf in the end of June beating Jonathan Wyatt.

Just after the start three Kenyans started to sort themselves out, at the end of the asphalted road, when the course becomes steeper, they were already 100m ahead of the main group. Ndung’u and Kosgei finished the race on the first and second position and Ndung’u missed the course record for just 12 seconds which is another approval of his excellent mountain running capacity. Scot Adam Osborne was the fastest European runner.

Andrea Mayr wan the women’s race running on the first position from the start to the finish. Mateja Kosovelj was second (her brother Mitja finished fourth the men’s race).

In the overall WMRA Grand Prix competition the best runners are already on the top.

The next WMRA Grand prix event will be held on 15. August in Norway – the Skaala race.

Tomo Sarf

Photos – the winners – (photo Helmut Ploberger)
– Andrea Mayr
– Geoffery Ndungu