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16 Countries present at the 10. WMRA World Long Distance M. R. Challenge 2013 at Szklarska Poreba.


On August 3rd, 2013, Szklarska Por&#281,ba (Poland) will welcome the best long distance mountain runners.
There will be tenth WMRA World Long Distance Mountain Running Challenge 2013.

Szklarska Por&#281,ba is a town beautifully located in the valley of the Kamienna River and its tributaries at the height of 440-886m above sea-level, surrounded from the south by the slopes of Karkonosze, with Mt. Szrenica (1362m AMSL) towering over the town, from the north by the Jizera Mountains with the High Stone (1058m AMSL) and the Black Mountain (965m AMSL), and from the East by the Foothills of Karkonosze, separating the town from Jeleniog&oacute,rska Valley.
The distance runs through marked hiking trails along the ridge of the Karkonosze Mountains.
700 athletes from 22 countries and 16 WMRA Athletics Member Federation countries will take part in the race for the championship. Exactly the Countries who announced their official presence are: Australia, Czech Rep., England, Germany, Hungary. Ireland, Italy, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Slovenia, South Africa, Ukraine, USA, Wales and, of course, hosting country, Poland.”
“Some Federations decided to send good marathon runners with small (probably) mountain running experience.
Women team favorites could be: Italy with Iozzia, Ferrara and also Vaccina good marathon runners, England (Fines, LDMRCh 2011 – 3rd, Lupton, LDMRCh. 2008 – 5th, LDMRCh 2001 – 8th, LDMRCh. 2012 – 12th, Buckley, LDMRCh. 2012 – 21st, Rush, his marathon record time about 2 hours and 37minutes), USA – without Stevie Kremer but USA team leader declared to have a strong team and all must believe it, perhaps RSA as they never competed out of their country, Russia this year rather weak.
Besides like individual for the victory in the women race it is necessary to consider also Angela Mudge and Irish Karen Alexander (LDRMCh. 2011 – 2nd.).
Men team favorites could be again Italy, USA and, perhaps, RSA.
For the victory in the men individual race a lot of runners are candidate to the gold medal: Italian Marco De Gasperi (six time world Champion), Slovenian Mitja Kosovelj (LDMRCh winner in 2011, second on last year 2012 and third on 2008, besides junior world Champion in 2003), Romanian Ionut Zinca (ECh 2012 – 3, WMRCh 2011 – 7 and specialized in orienteering, 5 in World Championships 2011), Czech Petr Pechek (LDRMCh. 2011 – 6), Irish Brian Macmahon (LDMRCh. 2012 – 6) and Welsh Andrew Davies (LDRMCh. 2011 – 8). Poland believe and hope a good performance from Marcin Swierc (2 times Maraton Karkonoski winner).
Certianly it will be a great event.
PZLA Officials and WMRA President Bruno Gozzelino, together other WMRA Council members will attend to the Challenge.

News from LOC

Source of the pictures by LOC
On front page:
– Logo of the event,
On second page:
– a scenic view of the competition of last year.