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Cancellation of European Championships and International U18 Cup


Unfortunately we have to bring you the disappointing news that the decision has been made to cancel both the European Mountain Running Championships and the International U18 Mountain Running Cup this year. Both had been postponed from 2020, in the hope that the situation would have improved by now.

The organisers of the European Championships, which would have taken place in Cinfaes, Portugal, said: “The pandemic situation is still ongoing in Europe and, even if the situation is currently getting better in Portugal, the conditions are still uncertain and challenging and would not allow the event to be delivered to the expected level.”

The International U18 Mountain Running Cup would have taken place in Ambleside, England. There is still hope of some sort of limited competition there. The organiser, Duncan Richards, said:

“Due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding Covid it has unfortunately been decided to cancel the WMRA U18 Cup due to take place on 24th July. The organisers are planning on holding an invitational event for home countries teams using the course etc on that day, so ensuring the GBR athletes have something to aim for. The viability of the event being an open invitational for athletes from countries outside the UK is being explored however athletes/coaches would have to take their own responsibility for travel and accommodation arrangements – anyone interested in being kept informed of this possibility should register their interest with the Organiser“.