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Latest News from the WMRA

Grand Prix news

2008 Grand Prix extended to seven races. The 2008 Grand Prix has been extended to include two more races. At the suggestion of leading mountain runners WMRA investigated the possibility of introduc…

2008 European Championships

Web page now available. The 2008 European Mountain Running Championships take place in Zell am Harmersbach (Germany)on July 12th. The web page is now public, but still in the process of completion….

2010 European Championships

Expressions of interest invited. The EAA have issued invitations to member federations to express their intention to apply to stage the 2010 European Mountain Running Championship. As usual, WMRA e…

WMRA Council meeting

a Brief outline of the Council’s deliberations The WMRA Council met in Monaco at the IAAF headquarters on 12th January. Two applications to stage the 2009 World Long Distance Challenge were receive…

2008 World Masters Championships

Web page available The 2008 World Athletic Championships – Mountain Running, will take place in Dolni Morava (Czech R.)on September 6th. The web page giving details of the event is…

EAA Mountain Running Championship Regulations published

Good news for competing federations European countries considering entering teams for the 2008 European Mountain Running Championships at Zell am Harmersbach (Germany) are advised to read the ‘Regu…

Recent items appearing on the WMRA web page

Web page update Plans are afoot to redesign the WMRA web page courtesy EAA. Meanwhile, note the following which have appeared recently: 1. WMRA Grand Prix final rankings 2. Link to many World Maste…

Final WMRA Grand Prix race report

Gaiardo and Pichrtova triumph. The following WMRA Grand Prix report appears on the IAAF web page Saturday 6th October. There was a surprise defeat for the womens World Mountain Running Champion in …

Final WMRA Grand Prix race.

Most ranking positions still to be decided at Smarna Gora WMRA Grand Prix – Preview. The fourth and final Mountain Running Grand Prix race takes place in Slovenia on Saturday 6th October. The 9km c…

2007 WMRA Congress – Ovronnaz (SUI)

Ingrid Kristiansen (NOR) elected to WMRA Council The 2007 WMRA Congress, held in Ovronnaz, Switzerland, re-elected the four existing Council directors. They are Wolfgang Muenzel (Organisation) Raim…