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Latest News from the WMRA

Trofeo Vanoni – WMRA associate member race.

Results 49° TROFEO VANONI Victory for the Forestale Team with new record of the race by Marco De Gasperi The C.S. Forestale Team (Agostini, Manzi, De Gasperi), with a final time of 1h30’56”, won t…

WMRA Grand Prix latest.

Ranking after 5 races The WMRA Grand Prix ranking after five races is posted under ‘results’ on the wmra web page. The final Grand Prix event is in Gibraltar on October 28th. See our previous news …

5th WMRA Grand Prix race in Slovenia

Smarna Gora WMRA 5th Grand Prix race Smarna Gora (Slovenia) 7th October. As expected, the two dominant European mountain runners Jonathan Wyatt (NZL who is based in Europe for the summer season) an…

Rock of Gibraltar international mountain race

Final Grand Prix race The LOC inform us that it is now possible to offer, to athletes entering the race, free full board accommodation from Friday 27th October to Sunday 29th October to the first 3…

New race web pages & 2007 Grand Prix.

Update news. New web pages have been produced for the 2006 Rock of Gibraltar and Obudu Ranch international mountain race. Access them via the links on Updated paperwork for the 2007 …

The 6th and final WMRA 2006 Grand Prix race

The International ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ mountain race Arrangements for the final WMRA Grand Prix event, the ‘3rd international Rock of Gibraltar mountain race’ are in hand. The leading contenders in …

Final WMRA Grand Prix race

Web page ready. Those interested in competing in the WMRA 6th Grand Prix race in Gibraltar should visit the new event web page. Access it via the link on Invited runners will be notif…

6th WMRA/WMA World Masters Athletic Championships – Mountain Running championships. Saillon-Ovronnaz

Saillon-Ovronnaz 23rd September 2006 700 athletes gathered in Saillon-Ovronnaz for this popular ‘out of stadium’ masters event. WMRA (World Mountain Running Association) were joined by the WMA (Wor…

WMRA Grand Prix Ranking

Pichrtova clinches Grand Prix victory. The WMRA Grand Prix ranking, after the 4th race on 24th September, can now be seen on the WMRA web page under the ‘Results’ heading. The remaining GP races a…

Pichrtova clinches WMRA Grand Prix with victory in Saillon-Ovronnaz

4th WMRA Grand Prix report. Sunday 24 September 2006 Saillon-Ovronnaz, Switzerland – With two Grand Prix races still to be contested, Anna Pichrtova of the Czech Republic has already clinched the …