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Latest News from the WMRA

WMRA Grand Prix Races

Web pages published The first two WMRA Grand Prix races take place in May. The first is in Italy (Meltina) on May 8th and the second in Gibraltar on May 29th. The web pages giving details of the ra…

European Mountain Running Championships 2005

Preliminary Entries You are reminded that the preliminary entry ‘on line’ system for the European Mountain Running Championships is now operational. The closing date for preliminary entries is Apri…

Mountain Running Seminar

China hosts a mountain running seminar A seminar on mountain running, funded by the International Athletic federation (IAF), hosted by the Chinese athletic federation, and conducted by WMRA, was he…

WMRA Newsletter 2005

Obtain your copy of the Newsletter The 2005 WMRA annual newsletter has now been published. It contains 24 full color A4 size pages If you are not on the normal circulation list you may still obtain…

WMRA Grand Prix series 2005

Rules and Regulations The Regulations and Rules governing the 2005 WMRA Grand Prix have now been posted on the WMRA web page. Go to the web page and click the Grand Prix tab to read the details.

Inov8 mountain running shoes

Sponsorship deal with WMRA WMRA is pleased to announce a 3 year sponsorship deal with Inov8, a manufacturer of mountain running shoes based in England. We are able to recommend with confidence thei…


Christmas 2004 Dear Friends, Dear Subscribers to the WMRA web site. There are now 322 of you set up to receive WMRA news automatically.. Tell your friends that WMRA try to keep you up to date with…

Co-operation between WMRA and EVAA

First common Championships in 2006- The European Veterans Athletic Association (EVAA) and the World Mountain Running Association (WMRA) plan to organize the first common championships in 2006. In…

2005 calendar

2005 Calendar agreed at the EAA conference The WMRA calendar of international mountain races, agreed at the EAA Calendar Conference on 16th October, can now be seen under ‘calendar’ on our web page…

WMRA News Mailing list

Subscribers top the 300 mark The number of subscribers to the WMRA web page news service has recently exceeded 300. The next target is to have 400 subscribers, so if you know of anyone interested i…