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2002 WMRA Congress & World Trophy


Decisions & Results

The WMRA 2002 congress took place in conjunction with the World Trophy races.

Full results of the races can be seen via the link on our web page to the Innsbruck web page. There is also a brief report on the IAAF web page also accessible via the link.

Congress agreed to some World Trophy rule changes and these now appear under ‘,Rules’, See sections 1.4, 1.5, 2.6. and 3.

Congress also accepted the bid of Sauze d’,Oulx (Italy) to stage the 2004 World Trophy on the first weekend of September.
WMRA council accepted the bid of the same city to stage the World Masters Mountain Running Championships on the last weekend of August 2004.

Any international mountain race organiser who wish their event to appear in the WMRA international calendar, as associate member races, should contact WMRA secretary Bruno Gozzelino before 14th October.

Agreement has been reached with international mountain race organisers that in 2003 there will be just one Grand Prix series ‘,The WMRA Grand Prix’, A WMRA working group has been set up to agree rule and races for inclusion in 2003.