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Eritrean triumph at Asitzberglauf-Austria to 5th Grand Prix race 2013.


Petro Mamo from Eritrea, 2012 World champion, was clear winner of the 5th AsitzBeglauf, 28 seconds ahead of his team mate Tekle Yossief, 2010 junior world champion.
Another Eritrean, Teklay Azerya was third which was enough to come on the first position in the current WMRA Grand Prix ranking.
In the women’s race, Slovenian Mateja Kosovelj crossed the finish line in front of Antonella Confortola.

“The three Eritrean runners were absolute favorites already before the race.
They started fast and expanded the line of more than one hundred runners from12 countries soon after the start.
In the third km, in the steepest part of the 8km long course with 1125m ascent, only Suisse David Schneider could follow them.
At km 4, when the steep trail turned to less steep 4WD road, the Suisse runner was just not fast enough to follow the small group.
At 6, the late winner got rid of his team mates and at km 7 the younger Tekele showed his skills to his older teacher Teklay, also 3 times world vice champion.
Slovenian Mitja Kosovelj was defending his fifth position the whole race similar to his sister Mateja, who knew, that her only chance against more endurable Italian Confortola is to get advantage in the first, fast 2 kilometers.
She was successful – the 30 seconds were enough to win her second WMRA Grand Prix race in this season and improve her position from second to first position before the last Grand Prix race, that will be held on her home soil on 5th October in Slovenia.
The winner of the men’s race improved the course record for almost 3 minutes, which was not a surprise, because the course was this year first time tested by international elite runners.
The local organizers and the Leogang tourist organization did a great job – the event was organized on a high level, suitable for a Grand Prix race.
Edited from Tomo Sarf (WMRA)

Source of the pictures: Tomo Sarf
on front page:
– Petro Mamo on action,
on second page:
– podium of women top runner.