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Introducting WMRA’s Athletes’ Commission


One of the initiatives put forth by the WMRA Council at the January 2018 meeting, was to form an Athletes’ Commission. The purpose of the Commission is two-fold: to ensure that the Council of the WMRA is able to benefit from the perspective and expertise of past and current international athletes in its deliberations and decision making; and to provide international athletes with a formal mechanism for ensuring that their views on important matters are heard by the WMRA Council.

Council member Sarah Rowell (GBR) took the lead on the project and, with suggestions from the Council, outreached to athletes to be included in the launch of the Commission. This group of 12 has competed internationally to represent their nation in the mountain running space.

Jonathan Wyatt (NZL), WMRA president said, “I think traditionally there has been a bit of a disconnect between what is going on with the organisation of mountain running and what the athletes are experiencing.  New trends or problems never had a chance to be discussed. By starting a formal channel of communication we have a mechanism for athletes to have their say. My challenge to the panel is to make solid proposals and initiatives for the WMRA Council to consider. I see this as a great first step for athletes on the commission to learn about the running of their sport, have a say in the programming, and move from the commission and on to the Council itself.”