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Mayr Andrea and Petro Mamu dominated at 43.Hochfelen Berglauf in Bavaria, 5 stage of WMRA World Cup.


2016bergentop3mwExcellent organization, ideal weather conditions and many strong international runners were the three most important characteristics of the 5th stage of the 2016 WMRA Mountain Running World Cup.
The sun just started to warm the cold clear fall morning, when a shot from real historical cannon gave the sign for 40 female and 205 male runners coming from record 20 countries to start the race on the 8,9km long course with 1075m elevation gain.

The top runners started first kilometre on the asphalted road with moderate incline with a decent pace around 3:35/km.
After 2 km the course becomes more and more steep and the leading group split to smaller.
On the “Alm” at 5,5km, where hundreds of spectators were waiting for the runners, the both Eritreans were already alone, followed by the Italian.
Later winner was not pushing too much, together with his fellow countryman he run together up to the last 1km sign, where he speed up and decided the race.
Petro Mamu won with time of 42:48, ten second in front his teammate Yossief Tekle. Third was Italian Antonio Toninelli who clocked 43:31.

2016bergenmamuAndea Mayr did again not allow and surprise. She clearly wan the race, with time of 48.18.
Second finished Slovakian Silvia Schwaiger (50:58) and third German Michelle Maier (time 52:12). Italian Antonella Confortola was fourth with 54:23.
After the race Andrea Mayr,was taken back to the valley with Mamu&rsquo,s coach, professional paragliding instructor in tandem parachute: “What an interesting experience!”, was her short comment later in Bergen.
Wolfgang Munzel and Tomo Sarf attended at the event like WMRA Council members.
Next week the final race of WMRA World Cup is already staged at Lublijana, with the traditional Smarna Gora International Mountain Race (37 edition this year)

Edited from Tomo Sarf (WMRA Council mmber)

Source of the pictures (Tomo Sarf – WMRA):
on front page:
– flower ceremony for men and women,
on second page:–
– Petro Mamu in action.