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The 6th and final WMRA 2006 Grand Prix race


The International ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ mountain race
Arrangements for the final WMRA Grand Prix event, the ‘3rd international Rock of Gibraltar mountain race’ are in hand. The leading contenders in the Grand Prix Ranking list after the 5th race (Smarna Gora on 7th October) will receive invitations to compete which means that their economy travel expenses from a main international airport in Europe to Malaga (Spain) will be reimbursed by the LOC on arrival. Transfer from Malaga to Gibraltar will be arranged for arrival on Friday and departure on Sunday The first ten men and five women in the ranking list will receive invitations by e-mail so it is important that they indicate their intention to accept the invitation by sending a message to the LOC using the contact address on the event web page which can be accessed via the link on Itinerant runners (i.e those not specially invited) should visit the event web page to enterthe race and obtain accommodation and travel details.