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The WMRA announces that due to the pandemic of Covid-19 the 2020 World Masters Mountain Running Championships will be postponed until 2021.  It is with sadness that we have to take this decision but during the past week it has become clear that it would be impossible to hold a Championship event that would be both safe and fair to all the athletes, supporters and volunteers.

The Championships will be held in 2021 on  3. to 5. September on the same venue of Telfes in Austria.  WMRA felt that this was the correct decision due to on going travel restrictions for international destinations, quarantine requirements for runners returning from an event, rules relating to racing with a distance between each runner and the limited numbers of runners that would be allowed to congregate together for ceremonies, finish and start areas.


Ireland was scheduled to host the event next year and they will remain our event hosts for the World Masters Mountain Running Championships but will move their races to 2022.

We apologise for this change and know that while our runners will be disapointed we believe it is in the best interests for everyone involved that we take this decision.  On behalf of the WMRA I would like to wish everyone safe running and good training and we will look forward to next years event.

Jonathan Wyatt

WMRA President